The Human Right

A different kind of evangelism book.
Just as the author’s book, God’s Not Dead, laid out the logical reasoning for God’s existence, and Man Myth Messiah established the existence and identity of Jesus Christ, now Rice Broocks brings a definitive book on the logical necessity to make the proclamation of the Gospel our highest priority. In fact, it is actually the ultimate justice issue and therefore the most important of all human rights. Consciously or subconsciously, many now believe that demonstrating tolerance is more important than truth. Fundamentally, the right to know the truth is even greater than the freedom to believe. Because Jesus Christ is the Truth, then humanity shouldn’t be denied the right to hear about Him, make their own decision, and then have the freedom to tell others.
This unique book is written to achieve the following goals:
- To recast the Gospel as a human rights issue…
- To reset the Gospel as our top priority…
- To explain why truth exists in the first place…
- To defend the truth of the Bible…
- To explain why God’s design and purpose makes gender issues absurd…
- To show that immorality is wrong regardless of the law of man…
What is truth? Does God really exist? Is the Bible true? All of this will be examined more closely in this book. Jesus claimed He was the Truth, not just spoke the truth. Therefore, if Christ is the truth, and all deserve to know what is true, then the most basic right of all is to know Jesus Christ and make Him known.
God's Not Dead Book

The goal of GOD'S NOT DEAD: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty is straightforward: to help readers develop “a faith that is real, credible, and strong enough to help others find faith in God.” To that end, Rice Broocks outlines a roadmap that guides seekers to acknowledge the most basic truths of Christianity:
- There is overwhelming and exciting evidence for God’s existence
- The God who exists is indeed the God of the Bible
- God has revealed his nature through his Son, Jesus Christ
As shown during the movie, this is the original book on which the main character bases much of his debate points with the atheistic professor. Persuasive arguments crafted with tools borrowed from logic, science, and philosophy, as well as scripture, solidify the faith of the Christian reader and provide starting points for discussions with skeptics. With clear, easy-to-follow explanations of key concepts and controversies, GOD'S NOT DEAD is apologetics for the twenty-first century, presented in layman’s terms. Readers will be empowered not only to talk about their own faith with confidence but to lead others to a relationship with Jesus.
“This is quite simply the most concise, punchiest, and wide-ranging argument for the existence of God and the truth of Christianity that has been written in recent years. Citing atheists from Richard Dawkins to Christopher Hitchens, Rice Broocks demolishes the folly of Darwin-based naturalism with wit and grace. With encounters ranging from an atheist's conference in Melbourne, Australia, to a psychic's booth in New Orleans, Rice describes his many wise and compassionate exchanges with unbelievers. This book offers a brilliant flash of hope for Christians demoralized by recent assaults from worshippers of unbelief.”
“When a confident voice explains the gospel of Jesus so as to answer the questions of an age, lives are changed. The kingdom of God advances. The darkness of skepticism is held at bay. William Wilberforce's Real Christianity accomplished this. So did C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity. Now Rice Broocks gives us God's Not Dead, a book very much in this grand tradition. He answers the thin case of the New Atheists, stirs Christians to confidence in their gospel, and empowers believers for both the spiritual and intellectual battles of our times. He has the experience, the scholarship, the humor, and the warrior's fire, and he gets them all on the page. This is the trumpet call to a bold defense of the gospel we have needed.”
“In his ambitious book 'God's Not Dead' Rice Broocks takes on the modern (and ancient) arguments for the Almighty's demise. The result is a skillful, highly readable synthesis of what some of the greatest Christian thinkers have to say about these claims. So whether you are a skeptic willing to hear what the other side has to say or a Christian seeking reassurance that your faith is not in vain, this is the book for you."
“Christianity is a reasonable faith. Followers of Christ need not fear engaging any sphere of knowledge, as God is the creator of all knowledge. 'God's Not Dead' is a helpful intro to apologetics, and unique tool to equip pastors and lay leaders to reason through important matters of faith."
"God’s Not Dead is recommended reading for any Christian looking for straightforward answers to the most challenging questions. Even those who don’t share its theological outlook will find plenty of material that they can put to practical use - either in conversation with skeptics or to answer their own nagging doubts. Articulate and wise, here’s written proof that a strong faith is rooted in reason, good humor and a generous heart."
Man Myth Messiah

The search for the historical Jesus continues to be headline news. Any speculative theory seems to get instant attention as the debate rages about His real identity and the claims made in His name. Did Jesus really exist? Is there real historical evidence that demonstrates that He lived and actually said and did the things the Gospels record? Is there any validity to the speculative claims that the Jesus story was a myth, borrowed from a variety of pagan cultures of the ancient world?"
In this follow-up to the book GOD'S NOT DEAD (that inspired the movie), MAN MYTH MESSIAH looks at the evidence for the historical Jesus and exposes the notions of skeptics that Jesus was a contrived figure of ancient mythology. It also looks at the reliability of the Gospel records as well as the evidence for the resurrection that validates His identity as the promised Messiah.
In a passionate and yet gentle and balanced way, this thoughtful book addresses many questions with which people today struggle and can help believers share their faith more effectively. It injects a healthy dose of common sense into popular debates too often dominated by intemperate rhetoric and historically irresponsible claims. This book makes the Christian faith more intelligible, offering a valuable defense for God’s truth.
Dr. Rice Broocks has written a comprehensive, but highly accessible, book defending the key tenets of the Christian faith. Based on cutting-edge scholarship in documentary history and New Testament studies, he marshals persuasive arguments for the reliability of the the New Testament documents, for the historicity of the Resurrection and for the Divinity and Messianic credentials of Jesus of Nazareth. Broocks’ concern for, and long experience speaking to, college-aged students comes through on every page in this conversational but rigorous work of practical apologetics. I highly recommended it.
In MAN MYTH MESSIAH, Rice Broocks takes a massive amount of historical research on Jesus and makes it accessible, interesting, and relevant for today. This book will both strengthen the belief of Christians and challenge the unbelief of skeptics. As Broocks demonstrates, Jesus has had more influence on history than any living person. Isn't it worth wrestling with the question Jesus said matters most: "Who do you say I am?" MAN MYTH MESSIAH will take you on a journey to explore the historical evidence for the resurrection and the powerful implications that has for your life. Check it out.
I highly recommend this volume to you as a way to answer tough questions, ground the proclamation of the Gospel message, and be prepared to share these truths with others, all from one text. Dr. Broocks is a capable guide to bring us safely to our destination. There is no greater message in life than that the Gospel proclamation is true, that it answers our deepest needs and questions, along with the incredible benefit of eternal life to all who believe.
Rice Broocks has done it again. In GOD'S NOT DEAD, he traced the evidence for God’s existence with the heart of a pastor. In MAN MYTH MESSIAH, Rice turns his attention to the person of Jesus as he examines the most important question of history. Few people understand the connection between evidence and evangelism as well as Rice Broocks, and MAN MYTH MESSIAH once again reveals Rice’s heart as an evangelist and teacher. MAN MYTH MESSIAH is more than an apologetics book. It will provide you with the evidence and challenge you to share the case with others.
The Purple Book

More than 1 million Purple Books are being used around the world in 22 languages!
THE PURPLE BOOK is a 12-chapter Bible Study Guide designed to help believers know and apply the essential beliefs of Christianity.
As you work through these 54 short lessons of about 15 minutes each, you will establish an understanding of the Biblical foundations of the Christian faith.
- Personal Bible Study
- Small Group Studies
- Church "Foundation Classes"
- Year-long sermon series, where the entire church goes through THE PURPLE BOOK together.
DO THE PURPLE BOOK, and take someone else along the journey with you to help establish Biblical foundations in their life too!